Friday, September 7, 2012

A Little Bit About Me

I would consider myself pretty well versed with computers. I have been using computers since first grade. From first grade I have been ever expanding my knowledge on computers. Learning how to use them and how to repair them.

My experience with Photoshop and Illustrator is limited. I took one year of computer graphics in High School. I have however been working for my father's sign company for about 3 years designing logo's and prints. All I know is mostly self taught using tutorials on and other tutorial websites.

I took this class to expand my knowledge of Photoshop and Illustrator. I also took this course because it is required for my major, "Computer Graphics."

My favorite artist at the time is Jesse Smith. He is a tattoo artist as well as painter and sketcher. I like his style because his art is cartoon and yet realistic with his use of shadows, highlights, and color contrasts.

My favorite designer is Gucci... just kidding I don't really have one.

I am a avid snowboarder. I love going to the moutains and flying down the slopes. I also am a bit of a motor head I love anything that goes fast or has huge tires.

Out side of class I have basically unlimited computer access.

   One extremely boring night five friends decided to go on an adventure. An adventure into the woods. Everyone thought it was going to be a blast, but they were wrong. The five friends all piled into one jeep and ventured into the woods. Half way into the trip it the jeep got terribly stuck and two friends had to walk three miles to get and recovery vehicle.